Sashee Schuster im DOZ-Interview

A little while ago, Angela Mrositzki and Angeliks Miller of the optician's specialist magazine DOZ honoured the FUNK frame-making workshop in Kinsau with their visit. The goal of the visit was clear: on the one hand to watch the frame-makers go about their daily work in our manufactory. And on the other hand to do an exclusive interview with designer Sashee Schuster.
The result of this interview can now be found in the current september issue of the DOZ magazine as well as in our press archive.
For all the people out there who want to know how Sashee Schuster came to designing glasses or how she manages to unite decor and shape in her designs, this means: you have to read it :-)
We are very happy about this amazing article and hope that this way, Sashee Schuster can transport even more inspiration and the beauty of nature into the world.