Nestled in the urban cosiness of Brunnenstraße, with delicatessens, cafés and a film art cinema, you'll find our originally furnished FUNK Optik Store at number 18.
Here you can immerse yourself in the world of eyewear design and craftsmanship.
As a master-operated business, we provide you with every aspect of your vision: optometry, craftsmanship and aesthetics. This is how we maintain the balancing act between style and competence.
We offer you the in-house FUNK collections Dieter Funk, Sashee Schuster and Funk Food and one or two other independent eyewear labels.
As a FUNK Optik Store, we also offer you custom-made spectacle frames, i.e. the frame is built by us on site for you ... According to the philosophy: "Your face is unique, so give it one!"
So, come by and bring one of your loved ones with you and pick out your new favourite glasses!
Brunnenstraße 18
DE-40223 Düsseldorf
+49 (0) 211. 302 940 66
Tue – Fri 10:00 – 18:30
Sat 10:00 – 15:00
(outside opening hours appointments possible by arrangement)
– Appointments possible
– Coffee or refreshment
– relaxed atmosphere and enough time
– Easy to reach by public transport
– detailed glasses consultation
– Refraction / precise eye examination
– Contact lens fitting
– individual varifocal offers
– Repair service thanks to our own workshop
– Glass processing in our own workshop
– German quality glass by Rupp & Hubrach
– exact fitting of glasses
– Special and individual production
ManufaktTOUR Düsseldorf – wir sind dabei!
Die Veranstaltung verbindet Handwerker:innen Düsseldorfs in einer Tour durch die Stadt zum Kennenlernen ihrer kreativen Vielfalt.
Die Besucher:innen tauchen an den verschiedenen Standorten in die Arbeitswelt des jeweiligen Handwerks ein. Versteckte Ecken und Hinterhöfe offenbaren kleine Labels und innovative Designobjekte.
Unser FUNK Optik Store ist dabei mit:
»DIY Schmuckkurs« bei Funk Optik Düsseldorf
Aus den Resten unserer Brillenproduktion fertigen wir allerlei Schmuck.
In diesem Kurs begleiten wir euch zu euren individuellen Ohrringen, Anhängern, Ketten oder was euch sonst noch einfällt.
Kursdauer ca. 2,5 Std.
Anmeldung erforderlich
Anmeldung: 0211 302 940 66
The FUNK Optik Team Düsseldorf
Jannik Ohlig
Master Optician, Spectacle Maker & Store Manager
Marina Wirtz